REV3 Shenandoah Epic Adventure Race - 26hr
Saturday Apr 20
10 AM
Paddling (Canoes) 32:31 3.0 mi
Race start at Goods Landing. Paddled to Seakford. All the top teams finished this leg together.
Trail Running 1:14:40 5.0 mi +1300ft
Quick trek for 3 CPs. One was at the top of the ridge. We moved fast to separate ourselves and found a shortcut to gain even more time.
11 AM
Paddling (Canoes) 1:58:19 15.0 mi
Finished the paddling leg to Low Water Bridge. Water was moving fast which was great. We were moving slow and lost some time to most teams here.
Dan and I swamped in Compton Rapids. I was swinging around to catch a line and overcompensated. Only lost about 3 minutes, just enough to dump the boat and keep going. Water felt great. Dan lost his mango though.
1 PM
Mountain Biking 5:45:38
After we completed the "challenges" we got on our bikes. (It took Rev3 15 minutes to do a challenge we did in less than 5. I would have been upset. This was pretty crucial.)
Rode over Shawl Gap to EFurnace. Then up to Strasburg Reservoir and along the Massanutten trail to WoodstockTower and back to EFurnace.
My tow line broke 1 mile in and Dan's didn't have any bungee on it making towing hard. We resorted to pushing and shifting a lot of weight between packs.
We had two steep climbs but two pretty sweet downhills. The Massanutten trail wasn't as bad as we thought but still required quite a bit of dismounting and walking. The return trip seemed to have much better flow. We rode most of Massanutten trail with Odyssey and were right behind Rev3 the entire time but we had 1 more CP than both of them at the time. We were sneaky enough to not let Rev3 know where we were as we "hid" from them when they passed us on the way back.
I did an endo on the trail and busted the bursa sac in my left elbow. Pounded some Vitamin I and wrapped it up. Was able to finish the race without any significant pain or lack of motion.
8 PM
Trail Running 5:12:53
Technically was considered an Orienteering course but 90% of it was on trails and forest service roads. Counter clockwise seemed better because it meant going up the rocky technical trail and running down the roads. We also were able to save some time bushwhacking down to the reservoir.
We walked the entire climb. It was dark and technical and although I knew we could go faster I think the safety and recovery time was worth it. Plus I knew we would be able to run the entire second half much easier. JayXC had a slightly faster time going in the other direction but I imagine he ran quite a bit more than we did. He finished just as we were leaving on our bikes.